
Conquering the DAT

So many people I go to school with (University of Florida) jump into the Kaplan boat without thinking twice. Many think that Kaplan will provide them something other products cannot! I can tell you Kaplan isn't the magic bullet, especially after scoring higher than my Kap going friends.

What the DAT/ MCAT or any other standardized test requires is discipline. In 2007 I studied partly during the Spring semester and mostly during Summer. I tried to study during the Spring but classes, club meetings, and drinking ate up most of my time.

Here are a few things you might want to ponder about:

1) Design a study plan! How many hours are you going to study? What materials are you going to use? Where are you going to study? If you are totally new to this go to the DAT forum on Student Doctor Network (SDN).

2) Get the right materials! Talk to your peers and see if Kaplan worked for them. Kaplan is great but cost $1,399. I spent far less than $300. I bought the Blue Kaplan DAT book for starters then progressed to Examkrackers (MCAT material). I also bought the DAT Destroyer, DAT Achiever, and Topscore. I also used my friends Kaplan account for some of the practice DAT test. Network with some of your pre-dental friends and share your materials. I didn't buy the Examkrackers books or Audio Osmosis (great for driving home with nothing to do!!!!). Audio osmosis can easily be found on Torrent Sites.

3) Eat, sleep, and think right! I treated the Summer as a chance for me to focus on one thing, the DAT. I read blogs on how to be healthy and how to absorb material at a fast rate. A quick search on Google will give you some awesome results.

4) Understand your body! There are a few things about myself that I knew I would need to address to conquer the DAT.
- I couldn't study with my good friends (we would just turn the Library into a party zone). Laughing with friends isn't compatible with hardcore studying, at least for me! I also knew that studying at home with my parents would never work out.
- I needed nuts, water (or gatorade), beef jerky, and some light gum. This prevented my blood sugar levels from dropping (I could study for longer periods without leaving to get food).
- I needed to drink (we're talkin' EtOH) at least once a week. Going out with friends and doing something totally random really took the stress out of my life.

In closing, you need to take the time to focus on what you want. My goal was a 21 on the DAT and I came close, a 20. Read this blog, SDN and talk with your friends/ advisers and then formulate your own plan for success. Good Luck!!!!

1 comment:

Kevin512 said...

I was just reading another d-students blog. When I say you have to understand yourself (eat right etc) I wasn't lying. Look what this guy did, "Eat/drink something that will keep you going. I personally used sippin’ whiskey, for those long nights of chemistry review. Obviously you don’t want to get buzzed, just a little kick to stay alert." http://skeletordds.blogspot.com/2007/01/dreaded-dat.html The Dreaded DAT